
Showing posts from June, 2012

Using vpnc and Gnome Shell to connect to Cisco VPN

Most of this stuff is easily available on the web and easy to do. But just for fun here it is anyway. Fedora Core 16 (x86_64), Gnome 3 Shell, Cisco IPSEC VPN. Get the required software.                   sudo yum install vpnc NetworkManager-vpnc Get the .pcf file from your entity that is providing the VPN service. Get the pcf2vpnc perl script from here for example. Run the pcf2vpnc perl script against your .pcf file and p ut the result into /etc/vpnc/default.conf. Invoke vpnc - for me it's /usr/sbin/vpnc. And vpnc-disconnect does the expected. To integrate this into the Gnome Shell Go to Network Manager from top panel. Very Important - on a new setup until I added an entry via nm-connection-editor there was NO VPN section on top panel Network Manager! Run nm-connection-editor if no VPN entries are showing up in your NM panel. In the VPN section create a menu entry and make sure it's of type "Cisco Compatible VPN (vpnc)" fr...

Using SSH, SOCKS, tsocks, and proxy settings to create a simultaneous "dual use" work/home computer

The Problem: Allow one linux workstation to be simultaneously used for both work and non-work purposes so that work and non-work traffic are segregated. The Requirements: I would like to be able to use the following applications in the corporate environment VNC Web (typically Google Chrome but potentially other browsers as well) Email - IMAP, SMTP, LDAP using Thunderbird IM - pidgin As already mentioned here the corporate network has an SSH server that you authenticate and connect to and from there you can reach the other corporate network resources. I would like non-work related traffic to bypass the corporate network - this is mostly web traffic but might also include things like Spotify, yum updates, and other assorted tasks. Finally it would be nice (but not essential) to wrap all this up in a handy GUI operation or series of operations. The Environment:  Fedora Core 16 (x86_64) and Gnome 3. The Solution:  Use SSH, SOCK...

Gnome 3 Shell Proxy Settings and Gnome Shell Weather Extension Don't Play Well Together

The title pretty much says it all. Fedora Core 16, and Gnome shell metadata.json from weather@gnome-shell-extensions: { "uuid": "", "name": "Weather indicator", "description": "Adds weather information menu", "shell-version": [ "3.1.90", "3.1.91", "3.1.92", "3.2", "3.3" ], "localedir": "/usr/share/locale", "url": "" } If you set via Network Manager the proxy settings to something other than "none" your weather shell extension will not be able to query the server and the extension will display that is continually reloading.  Turning off the system proxy (and restarting the gnome shell) fixes the problem. Some discussion of the issue which seems to be rooted in the gnome shell infrastructure h...