Watch ESPN Live on Fedora 17 - Google Chrome

This has bugged me for a very long time. Could never get this to work - had to watch ESPN live inside a Windows VM. I don't know how universal or even how long lived this solution will be but for now it's working. 

Google-Chrome Version - Version 23.0.1271.97
OS - Fedora 17 x86_64
Flash Plugins - see below - I had two versions installed. I disabled the version and left the 11. 2r202 version enabled and things finally started working for me. Also enabled chrome popups for

Unfortunately not currently working for me on Fedora 18 :(

Adobe Flash Player (2 files) Version: 11.2 r202
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
Name:Shockwave Flash
Description:Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31
Type:PPAPI (out-of-process)
MIME types:
MIME typeDescriptionFile extensions
application/x-shockwave-flashShockwave Flash
application/futuresplashFutureSplash Player
Name:Shockwave Flash
Version:11.2 r202
MIME types:
MIME typeDescriptionFile extensions
application/x-shockwave-flashShockwave Flash
application/futuresplashFutureSplash Player


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