Exchange Email Server Interoperability Woes
Mine is a use case that is got to be exceedingly rare - maybe 0.001% of users or something like that. Still it's interesting to me, well, because it's my use case and perhaps it may have some general interest for users with less convoluted use case. The setup - an corporate email Exchange server using IMAP. A linux Thunderbird email client that is used as the email client of first resort. I also run Lightning on Thunderbird to get basic calendering functionality. Occasionally use the Outlook Web client - whatever they are calling that these days. Microsoft Outlook 2010 running inside of a virtual machine that can be accessed from linux. I use Outlook not as my primary email client but as a sort of secondary client because I can create Server based rules or filters to route certain emails to certain folders. Thunderbird filters are client based only. The Rules engine on Outlook seems more powerful to me over and above just the fact that the rules can be server based...